Association Membership

A membership with CRWC is a great way for homeowners and boating associations to access expertise in stormwater management, ecology, restoration, and sustainability and connect their members to great programs and volunteer opportunities in their area.

Eligibility: Homeowner associations and lake associations within CRWC’s service area

Services & Perks:

  • 1 site visit annually, including a one-page report summarizing the site observations, recommendations, and available resources

  • Access to CRWC’s Fee for Service menu

  • One-time $10 discount on CRWC individual membership for residents of member association

  • RiverNews subscription (twice annual CRWC publication) to Association President

  • E-News subscription for Association President

  • Website recognition

  • Access to CRWC stewardship and volunteer programs

Annual Dues: the following structure applies:

Dues for homeowner and lake associations will be based on the number of housing units within the association:

5 to 49 - $250.00
50 to 99 - $500.00
100 to 199 - $1000.00
200 or more - $1,200.00

Duration: January 1 through December 31st

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