Who We Are
The Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, enhancing, and celebrating the Clinton River, its watershed, and Lake St. Clair.
Through education, stewardship, programs, and watershed management, CRWC makes a difference in our local community for today and future generations. We provide residents, schools, governments, businesses, and other community groups with wide-ranging programs and events to ensure healthy waterways for us all.
Without you, there is no CRWC. All of our ongoing success is due to an exceptional group of volunteers, sponsors, local residents, donors, staff members, businesses, teachers, parents, students, mentors, event contributors, and community partners – everyone who comes together to give their time, energy and monetary donations to protect the Clinton River watershed.
To improve the water quality within the Clinton River watershed, deliberate and coordinated action is required from everyone, from the individual residents to local governments. With time and effort, the Clinton River, its watershed, and Lake St. Clair are being restored. Join us as we continue to improve the Clinton River watershed for this generation and the next to come.

For more than 50 years, CRWC has served to coordinate the efforts of local governments, businesses, community groups, and individuals in improving water quality, promoting innovative watershed management techniques, and celebrating the river as a natural and recreational resource.
The council was formed in 1972 as an association of local governments under the authority of the Michigan Local Rivers Management Act of 1964.
In 1994, the council reorganized as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which allows CRWC to obtain funding from grants and private donors.
Today, we are supported by local and county government membership dues, business sponsorships, state, federal, and private grants, and individual contributions.
1960’s: The Michigan DNR conducted a fish survey and found no living fish from Lake St. Clair to the City of Pontiac
1972: The organization was established
1987: Clinton River watershed was designated as an AOC
1994: CRWC was recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit
1992: Stream Leaders launched
1998: First River Day & Adopt-A-Stream monitoring began
2001: First Clinton Cleanup & CRCCP established
2003: First Stonefly Search
2012: Weekly Clean began
2013: WaterTowns program launched
2018: First Trash Runs
2020: Clinton River designated an official water trail by the DNR
The quality of the water and stability of flow are important to support a diverse and healthy ecosystem and to provide recreational, economic, aesthetic and educational opportunities that are essential to our quality of life.
The way we use our land determines the condition of our water resources.
A healthy environment promotes and sustains a strong economy, and a strong economy promotes and sustains a healthy environment.
Protecting and enhancing our water resources is the responsibility of everyone in our watershed and requires the coordinated involvement and effort of individuals, businesses, governments, and organizations throughout the watershed.
With its watershed wide-view, the Clinton River Watershed Council is uniquely positioned to achieve our vision for the river.
Through education and stewardship, water resources are being protected today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
By monitoring on environment and restoring habitat conditions are enhanced within the watershed.
Celebrating natural spaces and increasing accessibility helps others to become more passionate about the outdoors.
To improve the water quality deliberate and committed action is required from everyone, from the individuals to local governments.