Clinton Cleanup

Clinton Cleanup

Clinton Cleanup is an annual effort that brings people together to participate in clean-ups and practice stewardship of local water resources and green spaces.

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River Day

River Day

River Day is designed to encourage appreciation and recreational use of the waterways of the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair.

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Rain Gardening 101

Rain Gardening 101

A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.

This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

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Rain Gardening 101

Rain Gardening 101

A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.

This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

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Rain Gardening 101

Rain Gardening 101

A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.

This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

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Kids Protecting Fresh Water

Kids Protecting Fresh Water

We use water each and every day, and we all play a part in protecting it. Join CRWC as we dive into which creatures live in our backyards, where our water goes, and how kids can be powerful water warriors!

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Get to Know Your Watershed

Get to Know Your Watershed

Join CRWC at Orion Township Public Library for an introduction to the Clinton River watershed. We’ll explore the region’s geological history, land use changes through time, and what the
watershed looks like today. You’ll learn about what work is being done now, the biggest threats to water quality, and more.

This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

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Stonefly Search

Stonefly Search

Registration for the February 1, 2025 Stonefly Search is now closed.

Stoneflies are especially sensitive to pollutants and are important indicators of a river’s health. Make a splash this winter and canvass winter stonefly populations at locations along the Clinton River and its tributaries!

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