All Events

Rain Barrel Sale
Rain barrels are now on sale through our partner, Upcycle Products, Inc.

Adopt-a-Stream Team Leader Training
Adopt-A-Stream is a volunteer-based initiative that empowers community members to protect local streams and rivers by monitoring water quality.

Adopt-A-Stream Training
Learn more about Clinton River Watershed Council's citizen science water quality monitoring program, Adopt-A-Stream!

Adopt-A-Stream Bug Identification Training
Learn more about aquatic macroinvertebrates (bugs) and how to identify them as part of CRWC's Adopt-A-Stream program!

Clinton Cleanup
Clinton Cleanup is an annual effort that brings people together to participate in clean-ups and practice stewardship of local water resources and green spaces.

Adopt-A-Stream Training
Learn more about Clinton River Watershed Council's citizen science water quality monitoring program, Adopt-A-Stream!

Rain Barrel Sale Pickup
Orders from our rain barrel sale can be picked up on May 17, 2025 from 11 AM - 3 PM.

River Day
River Day is designed to encourage appreciation and recreational use of the waterways of the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair.

Rain Gardening 101
A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.
This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

Rain Gardening 101
A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.
This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

Annual Meeting
Hear from Pulitzer Prize nominee Dan Egan and celebrate the progress and vision of Clinton River Watershed Council.

Rain Gardening 101
A type of green infrastructure, rain gardens and rain barrels are used to capture and manage stormwater runoff on your property. Join us for this presentation and learn how to install and maintain these tools at home to mitigate flooding and utilize runoff to your benefit.
This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

Kids Protecting Fresh Water
We use water each and every day, and we all play a part in protecting it. Join CRWC as we dive into which creatures live in our backyards, where our water goes, and how kids can be powerful water warriors!

Get to Know Your Watershed
Join CRWC at Orion Township Public Library for an introduction to the Clinton River watershed. We’ll explore the region’s geological history, land use changes through time, and what the
watershed looks like today. You’ll learn about what work is being done now, the biggest threats to water quality, and more.
This educational presentation is free and open to the public.

Become A Master Rain Gardener
This winter, design your own home rain garden with support from southeast Michigan’s top rain garden design educators!

Become A Master Rain Gardener
This winter, design your own home rain garden with support from southeast Michigan’s top rain garden design educators!

Become A Master Rain Gardener
This winter, design your own home rain garden with support from southeast Michigan’s top rain garden design educators!

Become A Master Rain Gardener
This winter, design your own home rain garden with support from southeast Michigan’s top rain garden design educators!
Stonefly Search
Registration for the February 1, 2025 Stonefly Search is now closed.
Stoneflies are especially sensitive to pollutants and are important indicators of a river’s health. Make a splash this winter and canvass winter stonefly populations at locations along the Clinton River and its tributaries!

Become A Master Rain Gardener
This winter, design your own home rain garden with support from southeast Michigan’s top rain garden design educators!

River Rally
River Rally offers a presentation on 2024's Adopt-A-Stream monitoring results, CRWC's field season updates, CRCCP accomplishments, volunteer opportunities for the new year, and more!

Weekly Clean // November 20, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.
Weekly Clean // November 13, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Weekly Clean // November 6, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Weekly Clean // October 30, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Weekly Clean // October 23, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed. Registration is required for this Weekly Clean.

Woody Invasive Workday & Riverside Clean-up
Six Rivers Land Conservancy is partnering with Clinton River Watershed Council and Lake St. Clair CISMA for a Woody Workday and riverside clean-up
Weekly Clean // October 16, 2024 (VIRTUAL)
Participate in your own effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.
Weekly Clean // October 9, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Help CRWC monitor the health of the Clinton River and its tributaries at Adopt-A-Stream! All are welcome.
Weekly Clean // October 2, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Adopt-A-Stream Training (in-person)
Join CRWC for an Adopt-A-Stream training to learn the basics of water quality monitoring before participating in Adopt-A-Stream with us this Fall!
Weekly Clean // September 25, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.

Clinton Clean-Up at River Woods Park by the City of Auburn Hills
Join the City of Auburn Hills for a clean-up this fall as part of Clinton Clean-Up!

Clinton Clean-Up at Rochester Municipal Park by the City of Rochester
Join the City of Rochester for a clean-up this fall as part of Clinton Clean-Up!

Crafts on the Clinton
Crafts on the Clinton is CRWC’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and an opportunity to try some of our favorite beers, wines, and meads from local breweries and wineries.

Adopt-A-Stream Training WITH BUG ID (in-person)
Join CRWC for an Adopt-A-Stream training to learn the basics of water quality monitoring before participating in Adopt-A-Stream with us this spring!

Weekly Clean // September 18, 2024
Join CRWC for a weekly volunteer effort to remove trash and debris from natural spaces within the watershed.