River Day

June 7, 2025

River Day is designed to encourage appreciation and recreational use of the waterways of the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair and to celebrate the leadership of local citizens, organizations, and communities whose efforts are critical to protecting and enhancing the overall quality of the Clinton River watershed.

On June 7, 2025, individuals, businesses, community groups, and local governments across the watershed will join forces on River Day to enhance and celebrate the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair. Activities range from nature hikes, canoe trips, fishing derbies, and fly fishing lessons to storm drain stenciling, river clean-ups, habitat restoration, and native landscaping.

People gathered for CRWC's native plant sale.
Students participating in outdoor education.
People kayaking and stand up paddle boarding on the Clinton River.


The 27th Annual River Day design contest is open February 17 - March 10, 2025. The contest encourages local artists of all ages and abilities to get involved in the promotion of River Day, which will be held on June 7, 2025.

The winning River Day design will be used on official River Day shirts, the event guide, and the CRWC website to promote River Day.

Entries will be judged and evaluated on their ability to convey River Day’s goal of celebration and enjoyment of the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair, as well as their clarity and ability to be reproduced easily at a variety of scales.


  • Artist must reside in the Clinton River Watershed.

  • Art must be a thick, black and white line drawing.

  • Art must be 8.5 in x 11 in or smaller.

  • “2025” must be prominent and include the words “River Day.”

  • Deadline is March 10, 2025.

Please send entries to shannon@crwc.org.


  • Amanda grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida and Alabama, and an appreciation of the beauty and benefits of waterways has always been a big part of her life. She studied art in college and over the years has developed a love for wildlife illustration. Her goal is to create images that both reflect nature and surprise with unexpected elements of texture and design.

  • “From photography to painting, charcoal art to mixed media, my art spans across various mediums and forms, all of which focus on the captivating power and beauty of nature. I’m constantly exploring new artistic styles and messages, using Michigan’s landscapes as my muse.”

  • “When I was younger, I used to think that my house was the center of the world. As I got older, I began to understand that there were bigger things happening outside of my tiny bubble. I started learning about watersheds and how they connect us all. Regardless of where we live, we're always a part of a watershed. It's amazing to think about how our actions (or inaction) in one area can impact people miles away. I'm grateful for my education on watersheds because it's helped me become more mindful of my own actions - both at home and beyond. Every day, I try to do my part to help keep our watershed. When we take care of our watersheds, everything thrives!."

  • “I have been a resident of Macomb and Oakland Counties for a combined total of 57 years and have enjoyed all the beauty and activities the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair have to offer. Our family has participated in several of the Rochester Recreation Center Outdoor Programs including night hikes, we kayak the river to Yates Cider Mill, and walk the Clinton River Trail almost daily. My first grandchild was born this March and by supporting the watershed projects it will ensure she will be able to enjoy the river, lake and wildlife they sustain for many years."


Each year, CRWC publishes an event guide that pulls together all of the opportunities happening on and around River Day throughout the watershed! Last year, the guide featured more than 20 individual events put on by CRWC and our partners.

Through this guide, popular opportunities that protect, enhance, and celebrate the Clinton River watershed are brought together in one place to help people access opportunities in their region.

2025 Event Guide coming soon!


2025 schedule coming soon!


Take photos while participating in your River Day events and submit via email to shannon@crwc.org for a chance to be featured in Watershed Announcements and on CRWC's social media pages!

Be sure to include:

  1. Your name (as you would like to be credited)

  2. Which event you attended

  3. Any/all photos you would like to share with CRWC


River Day would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. We offer them thanks for their contributions toward River Day and for protecting, enhancing, and celebrating the Clinton River watershed and Lake St. Clair.

For more information about sponsoring CRWC programs, click here.

2025 River Day sponsors coming soon!