Native Plant Sale


CRWC is partnering with Michiganense Natives to sell native plants!


  • Pre-orders due: May 2, 2025 - Visit the Michiganense Natives website, use code CRWC25 to access the sale and select Thelma Spencer as your pickup location.

  • Pick-up Date/Time: May 17, 2025, from 11 AM - 3 PM 

  • Location: Thelma Spencer Park , 3701 John R Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48307


  • Date/Time: May 17, 2025 from 11 AM - 3 PM

  • Location: Oak in the Hills at Thelma Spencer Park, 3701 John R Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48307

  •  A small selection of native plants will be available to purchase

Plus, don’t forget to shop our rain barrel sale!

NOTE: Clicking on additional tabs or choosing “Add more items” from your cart will result in you leaving the CRWC Sale Page. Plants purchased from other pages on the Michiganense site will have different pickup details than those purchased on the CRWC Sale Page. Only plants purchased from the CRWC Sale Page will be available for pickup at O.A.K. in the Hills on May 17.


Need inspiration for your garden? Rain garden kits are now available through the plant sale pre-order. These kits are available by sunlight requirements and include a sample planting plan.


Michigan’s native plants have adapted to all of Michigan’s soil types - as well as woodlands, wetlands, ponds, streams, meadows, prairies, and everything in between.

Available in a wide variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and foliage types, there are more than 600 Michigan native plants including wildflowers, grasses, ferns, trees, groundcovers, shrubs, evergreens, and vines. Some species of Michigan’s native plants have root systems that extend up to 15 feet or more underground. This characteristic not only allows the plants to be more successful at searching out water, but it also allows them to hold soil particles in place, preventing erosion and stormwater damage.

Most native species are perennial or self-seeding biennial plants. This means that they will typically re-seed themselves and continue to thrive and multiply with little human intervention. This also helps save costs by eliminating the need to buy new plants each year.

Native plants provide natural habitat, ecological enrichment, and low-maintenance landscaping, they also improve soil stability erosion control, climate resilience, and stormwater filtration.